Dental work

The good news is that your dentist has many different options to take care of almost any problem you have with your teeth. The only problem you might have is understanding the differences between the options. When it comes to dental crowns and bridges, they aren’t so far apart.

What is a Crown?

A crown covers an entire existing tooth and is used when there is damage or other problem with the existing tooth. The crown is permanently cemented over the old tooth and, once in place, it can be used like a normal tooth, including when eating, brushing and flossing.

Crowns are a good option when the following problems happen with a tooth.

  • A large part of the middle of a tooth is missing due to a cavity or filling
  • The tooth is fractured and in danger of being split apart from biting
  • When there is the danger that the existing tooth may break below the gum line, which can be a non-repairable condition
  • If a tooth is missing a cusp (pointed edge), a crown may be needed because a filling may not be possible
  • When one or more teeth are misshapen or need straightening

What is a Bridge?

A bridge is three or more connected crowns. A bridge is a good option if you are completely missing a tooth. The outside crowns of a bridge are placed like any crown over the two teeth on either side of the missing tooth. The middle tooth or teeth of a bridge sit in the spaces left by the missing teeth.

Which One is Better for You?

Here’s a simple way to help decide whether a dental crown or bridge is best for you.

If the tooth is damaged, but can still be used, a crown is probably best.

If the tooth is missing or must be removed entirely, a bridge is probably best.

But before you decide, you should talk to your dentist because he or she will know more about the condition of your teeth. To find out if a dental crown or bridge is best for you, contact myDentalcare today.

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